Websites are usually inexpensive to set up on your own if you are doing the programing and configuration, but the easy way to get you up and running is through a blog. This web based blogging software called Blogger is completely free. All you need is an email address and you are up and running in no time. When creating your blog, you want to choose a topic that you are educated and familiar with. This will make it possible for you to post educated entries that people will want to read. Once you have your blog up and running, you can ad your Google Adsense code to the page and you are ready to start earning. Google Explains all of this very well when you go to the Adsense website.
The Benefits of Blogger
* Free Widgets - Blogger might as well be the second name after widgets. Blogger compiles on free widgets that thousands of new Bloggers can use everyday for their blogs, whether it be for personal use, commercial use, and basically any use for free. You can add widgets ranging from, a shout box widget to a clock widget within minutes.
* Earning Money – Google Blogger gives us the ability to put Google ads and other earning ads on our sites for free. Unlike WordPress, Google allows users to earn off their blog using Google’s free blog services. Google Favors Most - Of course Google will favor one of their most successful services, Blogger and give new Bloggers the ability to easily earn their way on to the top 10 Google results. Google is the most famous and most favorable search engine alive and because Google favors Blogger the most, they are search engine friendly to Blogger users which means, you have a greater advantage on getting to the top 10 results than a blog using WordPress as their provider from the start.
* Get Featured – Google has listened to their users and have grown to be a big name when it comes to Blogging, for years of hard work and promoting, but now they have created a simple system to repay the favor back to the community. They have created a fair system called the ‘next blog’ feature(On the heading on most Blogger sites) and thousands of readers who want a surprise can be redirected to your site for free. Thousands of Themes - You can convert your blog template to anything consisting of HTML code format.
* Easy Navigation - Google has known to be the creator of making complex services into simple services and they also do that with Blogger. Blogger has the name for easy navigation, featuring the ‘Page Element tab’ where, users can easily navigate and add stuff anywhere in their blog. Once you have created your blog, you can easily see how easy it is to add or delete items called, ‘Widgets’ anywhere on your blog. Check it out for your self, it just takes thirty seconds to start your blog!
* HTML Based - Your blog being HTML based means, you can easily add new applications anywhere on your blog. You are in charge in what goes and goes out in your blog. You are in charge of how your blog looks like.
* Dedicated Support – Blogger has a free support time dedicated to helping the community and get on the stop issues with Blogger. Even if you are using their free blog services, they treat you like a loyal customer and will get fast solutions right away.
Sign up for your Blogger account HERE
The Benefits of Blogger
* Free Widgets - Blogger might as well be the second name after widgets. Blogger compiles on free widgets that thousands of new Bloggers can use everyday for their blogs, whether it be for personal use, commercial use, and basically any use for free. You can add widgets ranging from, a shout box widget to a clock widget within minutes.
* Earning Money – Google Blogger gives us the ability to put Google ads and other earning ads on our sites for free. Unlike WordPress, Google allows users to earn off their blog using Google’s free blog services. Google Favors Most - Of course Google will favor one of their most successful services, Blogger and give new Bloggers the ability to easily earn their way on to the top 10 Google results. Google is the most famous and most favorable search engine alive and because Google favors Blogger the most, they are search engine friendly to Blogger users which means, you have a greater advantage on getting to the top 10 results than a blog using WordPress as their provider from the start.
* Get Featured – Google has listened to their users and have grown to be a big name when it comes to Blogging, for years of hard work and promoting, but now they have created a simple system to repay the favor back to the community. They have created a fair system called the ‘next blog’ feature(On the heading on most Blogger sites) and thousands of readers who want a surprise can be redirected to your site for free. Thousands of Themes - You can convert your blog template to anything consisting of HTML code format.
* Easy Navigation - Google has known to be the creator of making complex services into simple services and they also do that with Blogger. Blogger has the name for easy navigation, featuring the ‘Page Element tab’ where, users can easily navigate and add stuff anywhere in their blog. Once you have created your blog, you can easily see how easy it is to add or delete items called, ‘Widgets’ anywhere on your blog. Check it out for your self, it just takes thirty seconds to start your blog!
* HTML Based - Your blog being HTML based means, you can easily add new applications anywhere on your blog. You are in charge in what goes and goes out in your blog. You are in charge of how your blog looks like.
* Dedicated Support – Blogger has a free support time dedicated to helping the community and get on the stop issues with Blogger. Even if you are using their free blog services, they treat you like a loyal customer and will get fast solutions right away.
Sign up for your Blogger account HERE